
Recovery from Chronic Fatigue and the Importance of Resources

by Viola Sampson The Fulcrum, Issue 55 Winter/Spring 2012 Over the past few years, working with clients who have chronic fatigue conditions such as ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and post-viral syndrome has required me to refine my craniosacral skills and broaden my approach. Despite the positive developments in recent years – greater recognition of these illnesses, earlier … Continue reading Recovery from Chronic Fatigue and the Importance of Resources

The Concept of Health: Primordial and Personal

by Matthew Appleton The Fulcrum, Issue 27 Autumn 2002 One of the fundamental principles of craniosacral therapy is that ‘Health’ is never lost to us, it is always available. Some practitioners in the cranial field, such as James Jealous, use the term Health, with a capital H, to describe an active force that is at … Continue reading The Concept of Health: Primordial and Personal

Mission Impossible? A Journey Out of Autism

by Denise McCann The Fulcrum, Issue 25 Winter 2002 It’s hard to know where to start talking about Liam. I suppose I should describe the community I live in first and my own situation when I first met him. I live in South Galway, near the Clare border in Ireland. It’s a rural area with … Continue reading Mission Impossible? A Journey Out of Autism